Advertisers use audit reports to compare and evaluate advertising opportunities, and most national and regional advertisers require audited circulation.
Local advertisers look for audited circulation as a mark of credibility and professionalism. An Advertiser would like to know the facts and figures before investing his money in advertising. An Advertiser ought to know how many people buy a publication and in which area. The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), gives all these vital statistics every six months. The ABC figures are not the outcome of opinions, claims or guesswork, but they are the result of rigid, in-depth and impartial audits of paid circulation of member publications by independent firms of Chartered Accountants working in accordance with the rules / procedures prescribed by the Bureau.
Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), India is one of the several organizations of the same name operating in different parts of world.
ABC, India was founded in 1948 is a not-for-profit, voluntary organization consisting of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies as members. It does pioneering work in developing audit procedures to certify the circulation figures of publications which are members of ABC.
HCO is one of the few select firms empanelled by ABC for auditing the circulation of publications in India. If you are a media or publishing house looking for a circulation audit feel free to get on touch with us.